Swimming Pool

Practical Tips to Ensure Your Swimming Pool is in Compliance with By-Laws

Many house owners dream of a swimming pool in the backyard. And, the dream is not without reasons.

Although swimming pools can entail fun and exciting outdoor times for your family and friends, especially during the summer, the pools can also pose a danger.

As a responsible homeowner, you should ensure that swimmers in your pool are free of danger. Therefore, you should render the pool area free of hazards.

But things can become complicated when there is no one around the pool when someone is swimming alone.

It can be perilous to swim alone in a swimming pool. Moreover, given the attractiveness of a swimming pool, it can attract the vulnerable section, such as children, to swim even if no one is around. In such a case, it can be tantamount to inviting danger.

Again, a swimming pool can also be dangerous for anyone falling by accident.

So, you should know that your swimming pool can be a source of danger. Even if you have mastered the art of pool safety and supervision when you are around, you should ensure that your swimming pool is safe and secure at all times, even when you are away from home. Moreover, you should ensure that your swimming pool is difficult to access when not at home.

The Local By-Laws and Regulations in Canada

In Canada, every municipality recognizes the possible danger a swimming pool can pose to nearby areas.

Therefore, municipalities have formulated by-laws to govern the setting up of swimming pools and maintaining environmental compliance and safety.

Although you will see variations in the by-laws from place to place, the by-laws are a set of common restrictions to rendering your swimming pool safe for people and the locality.

The fundamental premise of the by-laws is to protect children and other people from the possible dangers of a swimming pool.

The by-laws specify the parameters related to pool fencing, pool equipment, water depth, decking, space between structures, etc. And the by-laws can be straightforward or complex.

Therefore, you might encounter challenges in interpreting or complying with the regulations. If so, you should avail of the services of a professional to make yourself aware of the nitty-gritty aspects of the rules.

Pool professionals know what should be the structure of your swimming pool, how to negotiate while obtaining permits, how to work maintaining local regulations, and how to help you to maintain compliance.

Therefore, it makes sense to take the help of a swimming pool professional to understand how to adhere to the rules while setting up your swimming pool instead of trying to understand the by-laws yourself.

The Relevance of the By-Laws to Your Existing Swimming Pool

The differences among the by-laws for various municipalities might put you in confusion.

But the differences can be due to the lawmakers implementing additional regulations for the welfare of the specific societies.

The lawmakers balance the rules and the convenience of swimming pool owners. So, if you see a new rule is put into effect, you should not worry because the lawmakers will allow you sufficient time to get into compliance. However, the intervening time could be short if there is a very urgent safety concern.

Let us cite a typical example to illustrate the fact. Suppose your local authority puts into effect a new law that mandates all swimming pool owners in your locality should install energy-efficient pumps. In such a case, the lawmakers will not immediately force you to purchase and install a new pump. Instead, you will get sufficient time to comply with the new regulation.

Again, there can be some exemption from new rules for the existing swimming pool owners.

What to Do While Setting Up a New Swimming Pool?

Before setting up a new swimming pool in your residential property premises, you should ensure that you comply with every aspect of the by-laws applicable to your locality.

While applying for a permit to set up a new swimming pool, you need to provide a plan that shows how your project will comply with local environmental and safety regulations.

It can be a good idea to engage a pool professional to review your plan before submitting it to obtain the permit.

As the by-laws contain many complicated aspects, you might find it difficult to understand. Therefore, engaging a trusted pool professional will help.

Remember, all the rules will be applicable for your project of setting up a swimming pool in your residential premises.

Ensure that the pool professional you hire can adequately review your plan concerning decks, ladders, fencing, etc.

In addition, the professional should review the entire application for obtaining the permit before submitting it. And, the professional should correct errors, if any.

It is crucial for your plan to adhere to all the essential rules. In case of non-compliance, you need to upgrade it at your own expense.

Thoroughly Check Your Insurance Policy

Parallel to understanding and complying with the existing rules and regulations, you should examine your insurance policy to ensure that your swimming pool will comply with the by-laws.

You should familiarize yourself with every aspect of your policy to ensure that any new stipulation will not affect the coverage.

If you make any changes to your pool, you should have the flexibility to upgrade your insurance policy to keep the coverage intact.

Make Your Additions

Due to the dangerous aspect of your swimming pool, you can add some measures from your side to ensure higher safety.

Your additions should be apart from ensuring compliance with the by-laws. For example, you can add a pool fence, yard fence, or pool alarm.

Such initiatives can prevent any unwanted occurrence by restricting vulnerable people from accessing the swimming pool when you are not around it.


A swimming pool can be a place to have fun with your family and friends. But you should not undermine that your swimming pool can also pose a danger to swimmers. Therefore, you should ensure that you comply with all the essential rules and regulations to render your swimming pool a safe place.